Monday, November 4, 2013

Journeymen Cycle 2 Week 8

Hi everyone! We had yet another great community time today! I can't wait to see those pictures!
And what fun were those solar system models! Wonder how long it will take us to get all the glitter off of faces and out of hair???

Presentations were fantastic! So many books that now others are interested in reading - love that!  Many of you asked about Bray's book McBrooms Wonderful One Acre Farm - here is the amazon link so you can see what it looks like - but you can get it and many others in the series from your library...

Next Weeks Topic: Tell us about a pet you have or wish you had.
The Skill Focus is: Tempo: Speak with appropriate speed. Neither too fast, nor too slow.

Re. Our part in the Christmas Program......

I took a vote and they have chosen to perform one history sentence - Tell me about the Crusades (you know - Elanor of Aquitaine...and her son.....)
And they would also like to perform a piece of the tin whistle - Mrs. Kershner chose "Oh Come All Ye Faithful" for them to learn.
So - TWO bits of HOMEWORK for you parents:

1) We'll be needing a foam sword from the Dollar Store (can't very well sing about the Crusades and NOT pull out a sword, now can we??)

2) I'll me emailing you the tin whistle music for the song - PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE have them practice it at home. There is NO way we can get in enough time DURING community meetings to perform it really well without practicing at home. 

So that's it - two little things - :-D

OK - so now, on to the New Grammar......

New Grammar:

Timeline: Council of Nicea through Western Roman Empire Falls to Barbarians
Song and hand motions from C3. (Log in to CC click link then select Timeline Videos on the right side)

Week 8: Tell me about European exploration  (Timeline Card 85)

Between the late 1400s and the mid-1500s, Dias rounded the Cape of Good Hope, Amerigo Vespucci sailed to the Americas, Balboa crossed Central America to the Pacific, Magellan's crew sailed around the globe, and Coronado explored the American Southwest."
1400s - mid-1500s
“Flash 4 and then 5 fingers.
Cape Of Good Hope
Right hand moves down and around (Giant J) going around the cape
Amerigo Vespucci sailed
Side of right palm-left 3-hand rests on left palm-up flat hand. Both move forward in a slight up-and-down motion as if riding on the waves.
Balboa crossed Central America
Right 1-hand draws a diagonal line across the center of you.
Magellan’s around the globe
Left hand in a fist to signify the globe, right index finger traces around it.
Coronado explored
One hand shields eyes while looking left to right.

This week we introduced the Reflexive Pronouns We used the tune "Skip to My Lou"  (email me if you'd like the mp3). And I also talked about this being the "Elves" week - ask them, they know :-D

Verbs: 1st Conjugation Present Perfect Tense
This is week 2 for this conjugation.             
Sang along with song from C3 - also on  CC Audio Cd for Cycle 2
To the tune of "Praise Ye the Lord"

 1st Conjugation Ending Present Perfect Tense      .
____ī  (I have __ed)
____imus (we have __ed)
____istī  (you have __ed)
____istis (you have __ed)
____it  (he/she/it has __ed)
____ērunt (they have __ed)

Skip Counting the 14s
Sang along with CC Math tune "Camptown Races" while we jogged in place to the beat.

14s Tables
                                       Camptown Races   
  14s – Jog in place

We sang the parts of the sun to the tune of "Do Your Ears Hang Low?"

and did some hand motions to go along with it.

What are some parts of the sun?

These are some parts of the sun…

Week 8: What are some parts of the sun?
Make your hands into a fist.
Radiative Zone
Move hands apart a bit still holding shape of sphere, just a bit bigger.
Convective Zone
Move them apart just a little bit more – bigger sphere.
Use your left index finger to point to spots on right side of sphere
Pretend to take a picture
Solar Flare
Hands explode out
Hands go out & around making HUGE circle from head circling down waist

This week we only had to learn four features....The Mid-Atlantic World!
As usual I had a story, this time involving Batman - you know, the whole cape thing.....but I also brought along a songs to go with it in case the kiddos had a preference - We sang along to the tune of "This Old Man" if you want  the MP3, just email me.

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